
Download wwf wrestlemania the arcade game sega genesis
Download wwf wrestlemania the arcade game sega genesis

With a four-button gamepad (probably the best control method), there’s enough challenge involved in learning and performing the moves to keep the game interesting, but not overly so. Special moves are harder to pull off, but always spectacular to watch, with plenty of visual effects and bone-rattling sound effects. For example, while one wrestler’s super-punch may be a smashing forearm to his opponent’s head, another’s will be a powerful round-house.

download wwf wrestlemania the arcade game sega genesis

Even the common moves such as a punch are different from character to character. The variety of moves you can perform is one of the game’s best features.

download wwf wrestlemania the arcade game sega genesis

especially when it’s your opponent who is tossed around the ring. The wrestlers are all digitized and nicely detailed (about half the screen large), making it easy to perform moves, and a lot of fun to see the results. Eight of the original WWF wrestlers along with their characteristic moves are here at your disposal, including Doink the Clown, Razor Ramon, and Lex Luger. SEGA Genesis and PSX) in delivering a no-holds-barred wrestling action for the PC.

download wwf wrestlemania the arcade game sega genesis

In contrast to some earlier duds such as Judge Dredd, Acclaim got itself together this time around to deliver an excellent conversion that rivals non-PC versions (e.g. Read Full Description WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game is an excellent conversion of the popular Bally Midway arcade game of the same name.

Download wwf wrestlemania the arcade game sega genesis